The newest addition is a brand new Reptile Room that is at least twice as big as their old one. Things are constantly improving on the property and the park is always adding new animals. HPS is a federally licensed nature preserve of free-ranging exotic & endangered animals. The park is unique because most of the animals roam freely nibbling treats tossed out from the visitors’ car windows. Harmony Park Safari opened in 1990 with 30 acres of land to house the animals they care for. While we were there we saw bison, zebras, ostrich, llamas, goats, deer, a donkey, a camel, gators, antelope, buffalo, peacocks, a giraffe, snakes, iguanas, ducks, kangaroos, turtles, lemurs and a TON more that I can’t even remember. Wilson, it can get a little intimidating! When the animal wanting a treat is their Scottish Highlander, Mr.

They ask that you don’t lower your windows more than eight inches and there is a reason for this rule! The animals are very friendly and they aren’t afraid to get up close and personal for a treat. We decided to let the kids out of their seat belts so they could see better and toss food out the windows. The speed limit is 5 mph but many times we moved slower than that. Almost immediately you will have 5-10 various animals around your car! The attendant will open up a large gate and you are on your own. The animals know the cars have treats and if you don’t feed them you won’t get very much attention. Make sure you get at least one bucket of food for the animals. Harmony Park Safari is one of Huntsville’s most surprising gems! When entering the park the first thing you do is pull up to the little hut and pay.